Ben 10 Sex

The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe

Many people wanted an ending to The Stanley Parable.
We explained to them that the site was not in need of more content, that it was fine just the way it was, we already knew the perfect quantity of ends.
What a terrible slew of lies.
We knew it. It was apparent the lie However, we continued to do it. We’ve carried that shame around over the past few years, a burden weighing on all the time.
The time has come to end.
Now is the perfect time to fix it, and release the shame we carry around. We’ll give you our shame, for you to take it with you instead. It’s horrifying.
The Stanley Parable Ultra Deluxe extends the original title, which was created by the same liars that brought you The Stanley Parable, an award-winning Indie game. It features an increase in content and more endings. The tale of Stanley as well as The Narrator their most beloved companion is told in new and more funny adventures. This year, the game is available for PC and consoles.
A deliciously seasoned dish that is laced with sorrow of having deceived millions of fans over so long.
However, in the end, is over. There’s no more.

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