Milo is shocked to find that everyone’s gone since 1991, and that nobody has ever been in his place before!
Join forces with the mysterious tinykin and harness their unique capabilities to make ladders bridges blasts, ladders and more!
Discover the cities of ants, beetles and other bugs that were built in the massive structure of a house
Discover the tales of individuals wherever you are, and you will meet them all over the world.
Take in more than 100 tinykin in each city, and employ their talents to ascend higher, smash down walls, and fix the city’s problems!
Milo’s soapboard lets you skateboard in the entire house! Jump, grind and hover all around the home
There are upgrades available that will improve Milo’s bubble pack as well as make Milo’s bubble pack more effective, make Ardwin Museum more useful and also complete Ridmi’s strange machine!
There is a path back to your home in a massive city that is ant-sized and you can solve the biggest mystery in the world!